Agile Advisory Tagetik web-serie

Agile Advisory & Tagetik, The web serie

What if #consolidation had its radio 📻?

At the beginning of this year, with CCH® Tagetik France, we have prepared a surprise for you🎁 


Agile Advisory & Tagetik launches THE weekly web series on the theme of Consolidation with a focus on a specific topic in each episode!

A big thank you to our speaker, Sébastien JEAN-MICHEL, for his valuable contributions and expertise.


Discover the trailer

Agile Advisory & CCH Tagetik, la web-série
Among the 6 upcoming episodes, topics such as:
  • Shareholdings
  • Acquisition differences
  • Dividend
  • Gain or loss on disposal of fixed assets
Stay tuned; we will let you know to discover with Agile Advisory the tricks of this tool among the sector leaders with one of the fastest growth rates.

We are also at your disposal

to answer all your questions about Tagetik :